
Godwin Hoffmann

His story

Godwin Hoffmann is a German visual artist, born on April 16, 1945 in Büchenbeuren (Germany) and died on July 7, 2013 in Werder (Germany).

Godwin Hoffman red
Godwin Hoffman orange

Creation process

Starting from figurative expression, he quickly found his way into non-figurative painting marked by constructivism. His research based on the form of the work led him to create paintings with a sculptural character, also addressing the picture rail and the environment, which become a constituent part of the work. Applying strict rules to his compositions and animating his canvases with large colored vertical bands, his work plays on chromatic resonances. From 1992 onwards, Godwin Hoffmann became interested in the technique of charcoal on paper, producing a large number of drawings. In addition to painting and drawing, his work also includes engravings.

His works in store

His works in store

Godwin Hoffman blue
Godwin Hoffman

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