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Julius Weiland – Pearl
Blown Glass Sculpture – Luster paint – 31 x 15 x 14 cm – unique piece
Possible purchase in leasing, to know more click here
Julius Weiland – Pearl ( Perle)
Verre soufflé peint Brillant – 31 x 15 x 14 cm – piece unique
Julius Weiland was born in Lübeck in 1971, lives and work in Berlin – Germany
“Julius Weiland has been involved in the creative development of glass sculpture, and made it uniquely his own, for the last twenty or so years. Born in Lubeck (1971) and having trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg, under the glass sculptor and specialist Anne Wolff.
He has received major public-private commissions, and his work is found in major museums and public collections.
Title: Pearl
Size : 31 x 15 x 14 cm
Technic :Blown Glass – Luster paint
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Possible purchase in leasing, to know more click here
Description en français :
Julius Weiland
Né à Lubeck (1971), il a été formé à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Hambourg, auprès de la sculptrice et spécialiste du verre Anne Wolff.
Il a appris à maîtriser les nombreux procédés de fabrication du verre, qu’ils soient soufflés ou coulés, collés ou par assemblage d’éléments en verre manufacturés.
Il a reçu d’importantes commendes publiques et privées, et ses oeuvres se trouvent dans les principaux musées et collections publiques.
Titre: Pearl ( Perle)
Format : 31 x 15 x 14 cm
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